Wednesday 30 September 2009

Can You Help?

This last week has really been a revelation to me!  I have been investigating the possibility of some help at work with equipment etc to help me see better and do my job.

I honestly did not think I would need it but these last few months I have been coming home with real head aches and my eyes have been so sore, the final straw was realising that I needed another change of glasses, someone at work kindly pointed me in the direction of access to work, so I phoned them.

They sent this fantastic chap out called Patrick Adams, who is blind himself, what an inspiration, It makes my tiny little problem pale into insignificance, anyway he suggested all sorts of stuff that might be of benefit to me.  Today the first company came out to demonstrate some of the equipment available and boy how fantastic, I can not believe how much easier things will be for me without me having to struggle to see properly.  Especially reading documents and when I have to go to training events.  It makes sense having this stuff as it will take a massive strain of my eyes and perhaps will help them stop getting any worse! (well we can live in hope)

I also can't believe that these products and services are not well known!  It is a crying shame that people could be helped and given tools to make their lives easier, and that there is money there to help people who need this sort of equipment, but no one suggests it!

For the last 18 monthsI have been backwards and forwards to the hospital, to the opticians and to low vision clinics and not once has anyone suggested any of this stuff, which would have been available.  Of course I knew about access to work, but it was not emphasised just how much they could help out with equipment, only really with travel. 

Apparently if we lived in France, the minute you are diagnosed with conditions that affect your sight and glasses are not always that effective, you are introduced this sort of equipment at the start.  After talking to the equipment company today, it is common place here that no one really suggests equipment and companies supplying that equipment that could help you.  He said that it is a massive problem and all they want to do is make peoples lives better.  He said that there is this huge pot of money which is under utilised!

I can not stand to think of others struggling on, especially those with much worse problems than mine, I am on a mission now to try and get knowledge of these products and services out there so others can benefit from them too.

If anyone can suggest a way to help me do this I am open to suggestions!



Thursday 24 September 2009

OK OK I can not settle

Sorry guys but I have changed my template again, I was having a bit of trouble with the other one getting things lined up and the right size, so until I can fix it I am back to basics!

You will notice though that I have managed to upload some pictures of card samples and I am hoping to get more projects on in the coming week. 

If you like any of the card samples, everything used is available from

I am off to Ally Pally for the Big Stamp and Scrapbook show this weekend and I am really looking forward to it.  It will be the first show I have been to in ages, if you are going, stop by and say hi, I will be on the WS Designs stand.

Thanks also to Gracie, who is such a support to me and a major inspiration, she has a super blog called dancing angel and is a talented card maker, why not stop by her blog and check it out!

OK I am officially rubbish!

 I know I am officially rubbish at posting, it has been a really strange few weeks BUT I am on top of tings now and am HONESTLY going to make a real effort tonight to post some interesting bits and photots to my blog.  For starters, here is a mini book I did in a class for Debbie at Stameezee, absolutley everything used is available from the stamps are one of my favourite sets from Unity Stamps (also available at Stampeezee.  I will hopefully update this post later on with full instruction on how to make this minibook!.

Saturday 19 September 2009

I have not forgotten

I just wanted to post a quick note to say that I have not forgotten about uploading projects!  To be honest I do not know where last weeken went and this week went in a blur of hospital visiting andworking.  Marks dad has had a new knee and well lets just say Mark and I have been run off our feet.  But I promise I will try really hard to get some bit uploaded this week.

Thanks for all your patience!


Saturday 12 September 2009

Good Morning All

I know that I keep changing my blog background BUT I am trying to come up with one I am really happy with an AT LAST I think I have got it!

Thank's to everyone who has emailed me so far to say ABOUT TIME you started blogging again, and for saying you missed me.  I really appreciate your support.  The good news is I have some time now (not to mention new glasses) so I can start uploading projects and information again for you.

I will be working through some of your favourite step by steps today and getting those on, then I will work on some new ones.

Don't forget to become a follower.


Sunday 6 September 2009

A fantastic Weekend

Don’t you just love a good night out? I know I do, in fact it was a full day and it was fantastic.I went to Stratford Races with a group of friends on a hen do. Rachel Hinks is getting married next year and decided to have her hen party whilst the weather was still good. We all got glammed up and totted off to the races. Everyone made a real effort and looked fantastic. 

Of course we had to take the official HEN mascot Roger More, he does like to get about a bit and rumour has it that he has now been invited to the wedding, which takes place in St Lucia in March 2010. All I can say is that I hope he does not wear his speedos!

Well we all behaved ourselves, but Roger made his TV debut on channel 4 racing and caused quite a stir at Ripples restaurant and night club. What worries me though is how much interest the men show in him!

Anyway, thanks so much to Mandy Jessop and to Katie who organised the whole affair. It was fab, I did not moon once (well I am not lying, I lost count after Sheila got on the coach after the races)


Friday 4 September 2009

Thank Crunchie it is FRIDAY

What a wonderful thing to be able to say "Thank Crunchie it is FRIDAY!"

When I used to work for myself, and even when I worked at the NEC, I have always had a job working odd hours, long hours and weekends.

Now I work at the Council I have really started to get that Friday feeling.  I never got it before, but I do now.  I was so excited as 5pm got closer this afternoon as I knew the weekend was here and that I could have a lovely two days without thinking of work.

I am so lucky as I love my new job, but boy it is nice to have regular set days off.

This weekend I am off to a hen do at Stratford races, which I know will be really good fun.  I have never been to the races before.  I am sure we will all behave ourselves (not)  In fact we are borrowing a "prop" from my cousin Kates hen do, his name is Roger More!  (no he is not a real person, but I am sure he will provide entertainment!)

Anyway, what ever you are donig, have a good one.


Wednesday 2 September 2009

An Ode to IT

Our IT department are such a good bunch
They always help us out of a crunch

We raise a call and help arrives
Even when they are up to their eyes

I know the must get fed up of our calls
Probably thinking not them again, oh balls

But they never ever complain
Even though we ask for their help again and AGAIN

They are so well appreciated, I am sure everyone will agree
Thank you so much guys, from everyone and especially ME.