Saturday 5 February 2011

Dreamy Saturday

Today has turned out to be quite a winner, we had a lovely meal out last night at the OAK in Hockley Heath, I stuck to my word and drank a few glasses of wine and pigged out on the best ribeye steak -YUMMY!

I was so knackered (and a tiny bit drunk) that by the time we got home at 10pm that I went straight to bed.  Mark however decided to pay a visit to the pub!! 11.30 he rolls in quite obviously the worse for wear and decides he wants to eat again!  Well I told him not to be daft and he went to bed in a strop, then began to snore so loudly that I had to sleep in the spare bed!!!

This did have its advantages though as I got a really long lie in this morning and managed to finish reading "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" on my kindle, brilliant book and can not wait to read the next one.

When I eventually got up Mark was super sorry and took me shopping to buy lots of lovely comfort food!  We have then done a load of work in the veggie patch and I am now about to take a lovely long hot bath and read my kindle whilst in it (yep I invested in a waterproof cover!)



Friday 4 February 2011

Friday Feeling

Well it is just after 7am in the morning and whilst it is probably a bit early for most, I have been up since 5am!  I am ready in plenty of time for work and had 10 minutes to spare so I thought I would stick to my new years resolution and blog!

I love Friday's and today is no exception.  Friday heralds the last day at work for those who work Monday - Friday and the end of the daily grind for another week.  Not that my life is a daily grind you understand, I love my job, which is a miracle in today's climate!  Still Friday is the signal to start to wind down for the weekend and take it easy for a few days.

Today's Friday feeling is even better as we are off to our favourite restaurant tonight, the Oak in Hockley Heath and I can't wait.  I told Mark a few weeks ago I wanted to go so I could enjoy one last fancy meal before I have to give up the evil drink for 2 weeks due to my eye operation.  So I intend to make the most of it and stuff myself silly and perhaps have a glass (or three) of nice wine.

Then the rest of the weekend is planned with gardening and nothing much...perfect.


Saturday 29 January 2011

Where has the time gone?

I can not believe it has been well over a year since I last posted a blog, I am not at all sure where the time has gone.  So much has happened and at the same time, not much at all!

I no longer craft so much mainly due to poor eyesight but I am now studying for my work and really quite enjoying it.  We have 5 new additions to the family, 1 Springer Spaniel, called Macks and 4 Chickens, which lay almost every day.

My new years resolution was to blog more this year as I find it therapeutic and enjoy putting stuff down, it helps me think, so I will do my best to keep  you updated with the goings on in my life.


Wednesday 9 December 2009

Christmas Present TIme - Lizzie Versus Nigella!!!!

What fun, I have had several days off work, (excluding today when the re run for Luton happened - and yes we go the right day this time!)

Anyway, we were away at the weekend in Presteigne and had a lovely time, I then went Christmas shopping Monday with my cousin and aunt and had a lovely day.  I was all inspired after popping into Lakeland what fab baking equipment they have.  Now for those who know me, you will know that I usually make some of my presents.

I am very sorry to say that I have done it again this year - don't panic though, other than the much loved chilli jam (which you have all ordered this year) I am only making pate and as a new addition to the gift list this year I have decided to have a go at making some Christmas fairy cakes and some truffles.

Now Debbie if you are reading this LOOK AWAY NOW!!! Ha Ha I know you will read it......

I have had a go at making some Christmas Pudding truffles.  I have NEVER made anything like this before in my life and I have to say I quite enjoyed the experience, not much cooking required, massive opportunities to lick the bowl, spoon, fingers, work top etc etc and the results taste fantastic, I am not even sure they will last long enough to give as gifts.....I may have to make more.

The original recepie for these is in a Nigella Christmas book, now mine look nothing like Nigellas, I think I need far more practice on the Chocolate dripping - but I think you will agree, not a bad job for someone who can't see past their nose!

I reckon a bit more practice with the white chocolate, and decorations and I will be there, of course I can not promise the same for the cup cakes!!!


Friday 4 December 2009

We won AGAIN

I seem to have hit a little patch of luck - I have had 3 wins on raffles and a quiz and am chuffed to bits, the prizes may only be small but it is the winning I am most pleased about.

My good friend Debbie has often said that if we are in a room and there is a prize draw she would sit next to me because she knows I will win - mostly she has been right, but I do share my prizes!

I hope I have not jinxed myself now!!!


Thursday 3 December 2009

Funny Story

Well we went to Luton yesterdayy, it took us ages and ages to get there as the traffic was awful and guess what? - The meeting is next week!!!!!!


Tuesday 1 December 2009

Off to Sunny Luton

Even though my cold has come back to haunt me and I feel horrid (all together now......ahhh)  I can still muster up some excitement for my trip to Luton tomorrow.

No I am not excited about Luton, but I am excited about testing my new camera equipment. 

Thanks to James in our IT department I am all set to go, I have my laptop, my camera, my magnification software, and what is more it will all work now away from the BDC network!! Weyhey.

So the great news is I will be able to see the presentations from the back of the room on my lap top... how cool is that and what's more, I will probably see more of it than if I was sat at the front........

Let's just hope that it is not too icy in the morning for our trip, my boss Sue is picking me up at the very early hour of 7am!  EEEK that means  I have to get up extra early to get ready.

I had better be off to bed then as I do need my beauty sleep (OK you don't all have to agree!)

Oh almost forgot, I have spotted that the new Kit of the month is now available from Stampeezee, I will be ordering mine tomorrow (even though I have not done the other one yet, I will get round to it eventually LOL)  The December kit looks fantastic and I can not wait to get mine!
